Logical Timeline

Logical Timeline provides a logical solution to the historic timeline of humanity.

Reasons for Developing the Logical Timeline

I was studying a story in the Old Testament of the Bible and I wanted to lookup when this was happening in history. I found three results from seemingly reputable sources and all three provided different years for the events I looked up. This began my journey to finding a logical timeline for historical events, specifically those mentioned in the Bible.


I will be using the term, "BC" to indicate "Before Christ". If I mention anything after the birth of Christ I will use the term, "AD" to indicate "Anno Domini", or "in the year of the Lord". You can translate that into whatever system you see fit.

The time concept "BC" is ued to denote years in the past before the birth of Jesus Christ. For example, if we say "100 BC", it means 100 years before the estimated birth of Jesus Christ. Another example is the 7th century BC covers the years from 601 BC to 700 BC (newest to oldest).

The time concept "AD" is the current time system we use today. We are currently living in 2024 AD. The 7th century AD covers the years 601 AD to 700 AD (newest to oldest).

Starting Point

Nebuchadnezzar II

I wanted to start with something that both Christians and non-Christians agreed upon. It needed to be something that I could directly tie to an event that transpired in the Bible. Enter, Babylonia's King Nebuchadnezzar II and the destruction of the Temple. It is widely considered fact that the army of Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylonia, destroyed the first Temple in either 587 BC or 586 BC.

Narrowing a specific event that was recorded in the Bible to happening in one of two specific years is amazing!

Another year that is widely accepted is the year Nebuchadnezzar II became king of Babylon, 605 BC. This is an even more exact entry than above, offering us an exact year as a reference in our timeline.

This entire system will have set or fixed times which are recorded and it will have variable times which are mentioned but not specified. For the fixed times it is easy enough to just use the recorded times, but for the variable times I looked at providing a realistic allotment and used it as a variable time. Variable times can be shifted left or right, and changing one variable time will cascade and change all subsequent events as well. In this first version being posted the site will not be interactive, or it will not allow for you to adjust the times and the new modified times be displayed. This is a technical and time limitation on my part, as it is much easier for me to just put a static page up than a dynamic page.

Methods used to calculate time are simple math, approximation based on travel, approximation based on example, logical assumptions.

Also, in this first static version of the Logical Timeline, I will be walking the reader through each calculation. In later versions of this site these descriptions will most likely be on other pages should the reader wish to read them.

The Logical Timeline, in its current form, is a logical reference which can be used to quickly determine historical timelines. More on this as we walk through the process.

To keep this visually digestable I am going to show no more than seven entries of the Logical Timeline at once. I will show the most relevant years to whatever is being discussed in that section. The heading year range is specific to the events being discussed in each section. A complete version of the Logical Timeline will be available as well.

The Logical Timeline

700 BC - 600 BC

Nebuchadnezzar II

To begin, it is commonly accepted that Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon in the year 605 BC.

605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon

600 BC - 500 BC

Nebuchadnezzar II Takes Jerusalem.

In 2 Kings 24 we read Nebuchadnezzar II attacks the land of Judah. Initially, 2 Kings 24 tells us how Nebuchadnezzar II attacked Judah while Jehoiakim was king of Judah. Verse 1 mentions that Jehoiakim rebels against Nebuchadnezzar. Verse 6 tells of Jehoiakim’s death. In verse 8 we read that Jehoiakim’s son, Jehoiachin, replaces Jehoiakim and becomes king of Judah at the age of 18. The Bible then states that Jehoiachin was on the throne in Judah for only three months when Nebuchadnezzar II attacked Judah again, at the city of Jerusalem. Verse 11 places Nebuchadnezzar II physically at this attack. Then, verse 12 says Jahoiachin surrenders to Nebuchadnezzar II in the eighth year of the reign of the king of Babylon.

So we can now accurately date the year Nebuchadnezzar II took Jerusalem by moving the clock forward eight years from 605 BC. As I mentioned in the introductory section above, if this is found to be off by a year or two, simply changing this entry and tallying the following calculations used to establish the Logical Timeline will quickly adjust the entire timeline.

605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12

600 BC - 500 BC

2 Kings 24:13, the next verse following the above reference which, says Nebuchadnezzar pillages the Temple. There is no mention of the Temple being destroyed. The Temple remains standing.

605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13

600 BC - 500 BC

2 Kings 24:17-18 tells us Nebuchadnezzar II appoints Mattaniah, Jehoiachin’s uncle, King of Judah and changes Mattaniah’s name to Zedekiah.

605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II appoints Zedekiah as King of Judah 2 Kings 24:17-18

700 BC - 600 BC

2 Kings 24:18 also tells us Zedekiah was 21 years old when he became king. So now we can go back in time 21 years, from Zedekiah's coronation, to 618 BC when Zedekiah was born.

618 BC Mattaniah, or Zedekiah, is born. 2 Kings 24:18
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II appoints Zedekiah as King of Judah 2 Kings 24:17-18

Note, we added this entry at the top of the timeline to keep it in chronological order, with the oldest events at the top and the most recent events at the bottom.

600 BC - 500 BC

Unfortunately for Zedekiah, and his family, Zedekiah rebels against Nebuchadnezzar II. 2 Kings 25:1 lays siege to Jerusalem. There are some time frames in this and surrounding verses. 2 Kings 25:1 says this happened on the 9th year and 10th day of the 10th month of Zedekiah’s reign. We can mentally keep track of the 10 months and 10 days, but for our simple math, we are going to move the clock forward 9 years.

This is trimming 10 months and 10 days from our timeline. As we did not specify the day and month for Nebuchadnezzar II's inaguration or for the destruction of the temple we are left with some unknown times. We will remember this 10 days and 10 months for future reference. For now, we will keep it simplified as our calendar starting in "January" which would then mean the 10th month would still be in the same year. This is an assumption we are using to use as a standardized simplification to establish times. Again, any modifications can be made to the Logical Timeline which will then require recalculations.

618 BC Mattaniah, or Zedekiah, is born. 2 Kings 24:18
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13
588 BC Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II 2 Kings 25:1

600 BC - 500 BC

2 Kings 25:1 mentions the 9th year of Zedekiah, which we determined places us at 588 BC. 2 Kings 25:2 says Jerusalem was under siege until the 11th year of Zedekiah, so, for approximately 2 years. This would place us at 586. Here, we are able to double check our math, because 2 Kings 25:8 mentions the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar II’s reign, which would be 605 BC - 19 which equals 586 as well.

2 Kings 25:9 says Nebuchadnezzar set fire to, or burned down, the Temple of the Lord and the palace (king's house) and all the houses of Jerusalem. It says, every important building was burned. This happened in 586 BC.

This is inline with the common belief held by both Christians and non-Christians that the Temple was destroyed in either 587 BC or 586 BC. Based on the math starting with Nebuchadnezzar II's inauguration year of 605 BC we can see the Temple is actually destroyed in 586 BC. (If we were to include the 10 months mentioned above, and if Nebuchadnezzar II was inaugurated more than two months into the year, then this could very well be 585 BC. However, we will continue with 586 BC until we can prove the months in which events took place.)

618 BC Mattaniah, or Zedekiah, is born. 2 Kings 24:18
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13
588 BC Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II 2 Kings 25:1
586 BC The first Temple is destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II 2 Kings 25:8-10

1,000 BC - 900 BC

It is generally accepted that the Temple built by Solomon stood for 410 years. The beauty of this system is how easy it is to make adjustments as more accurate information is received. If it was destroyed in 586 BC, then it would have been built in 996 BC.

996 BC First Temple construction finished 1 Kings 6:14, 1 Kings 6:37-38
618 BC Mattaniah, or Zedekiah, is born. 2 Kings 24:18
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13
588 BC Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II 2 Kings 25:1
586 BC The first Temple is destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II 2 Kings 25:8-10

1,100 BC - 1,000 BC

1 Kings tells us it took 11 years to build the temple, so we can determine when construction began, 1003 BC.

1003 BC Solomon begins construction of the Temple 1 Kings 5, 1 Kings 6
996 BC First Temple construction finished 1 Kings 6:14, 1 Kings 6:37-38
618 BC Mattaniah, or Zedekiah, is born. 2 Kings 24:18
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13
588 BC Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II 2 Kings 25:1

Note, we are only showing the closest seven events. The complete Logical Timeline is available.

1,100 BC - 1,000 BC

1 Kings also tells us Solomon began construction of the Temple in his fourth year as king. So now we can place a year to his inaguration.

1007 BC Solomon becomes king 1 Kings 1
1003 BC Solomon begins construction of the Temple 1 Kings 5, 1 Kings 6
996 BC First Temple construction finished 1 Kings 6:14, 1 Kings 6:37-38
618 BC Mattaniah, or Zedekiah, is born. 2 Kings 24:18
605 BC Nebuchadnezzar II becomes King of Babylon
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II takes Jerusalem 2 Kings 24:12
597 BC Nebuchadnezzar II pillages the Temple. The Temple remains standing. 2 Kings 24:13

1,100 BC - 1,000 BC

2 Samuel tells us that David was king for 40 years, and that he was 30 years old when he became king. Because Solomon took over for David, or when Solomon’s reign began, David’s ended, we can now place David’s inauguration as king, and his birth year.

We also know when King Saul and Jonathan died, as this is what freed the crown for David.

1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC David becomes King of Judah 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 2:7, 2 Samuel 2:9-12, 2 Samuel 3
1007 BC Solomon becomes king 1 Kings 1
1003 BC Solomon begins construction of the Temple 1 Kings 5, 1 Kings 6
996 BC First Temple construction finished 1 Kings 6:14, 1 Kings 6:37-38

1,100 BC - 1,000 BC

We know when David became King of Judah, which was in 1047 BC. Since David's coronation followed the death of King Saul, we can now determine both when Saul became king based on our previous references and 1 Samuel 13:1, 1 Samuel 13-14, which say Saul was king for 42 years. We take the year David becomes king and we go back 42 years to Saul's coronation, in 1089 BC.

1089 BC Saul becomes King of Israel 1 Samuel 13:1, 1 Samuel 13-14
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC David becomes King of Judah 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 2:7, 2 Samuel 2:9-12, 2 Samuel 3
1007 BC Solomon becomes king 1 Kings 1
1003 BC Solomon begins construction of the Temple 1 Kings 5, 1 Kings 6

1,200 BC - 1,000 BC

In addition to knowing when Saul became king we can also place his birth year given that 1 Samuel 13:1, 1 Samuel 13-14 state Saul was 30 years old when he became king. We go back 30 years from 1089 BC, his coronation, and see Saul's birth in 1119 BC.

Knowing Saul's birth year and the year he died, we can determine Saul lived approximately 72 years.

We can also go back and determine Saul was 42 years old when David was born. This also means when David was born Saul had been King of Israel for 12 years.

1119 BC Saul is born 1 Samuel 13:1, 1 Samuel 13-14
1089 BC Saul becomes King of Israel 1 Samuel 13:1, 1 Samuel 13-14
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC David becomes King of Judah 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 2:7, 2 Samuel 2:9-12, 2 Samuel 3
1007 BC Solomon becomes king 1 Kings 1

1,500 BC - 1,400 BC

Because we have a year for when Solomon begins construction of the Temple, we can determine when the Israelites left Egypt.

1 Kings 6 tells us in the 480th year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign, he began to build the Temple of the Lord. So we can add 480 to 1003, and we will have 1483 BC.

1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC David becomes King of Judah 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 2:7, 2 Samuel 2:9-12, 2 Samuel 3
1007 BC Solomon becomes king 1 Kings 1
1003 BC Solomon begins construction of the Temple 1 Kings 5, 1 Kings 6

This lines up with Josephus, the first-century AD Jewish author. Josephus believed the pharaoh around the time of the exedus was Thutmose. We can place two pharaoh's in this time frame, Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. I have read that Hatshepsut took over as pharaoh when Thutmose III was two years old.

Hatshepsut was the eldest daughter of Thutmose I and his consort Ahmose. Hatshepsut married her half brother Thutmose II, who was the son of the lady Mutnofret. When three of Mutnofret's older sons died prematurely Thutmose II inherited his father's throne around 1492 BC, with Hatshepsut being his consort. Hatshepsut had a daughter, Neferure, but no son. When Thutmose II died around 1479 BC, the throne passed to his son Thutmose III, born to Isis, a lesser harem queen. Since Thutmose III was an infant, approximately two years old when his father died, Hatshepsut acted as regent for the young pharaoh.

By the end of Thutmose III's seventh regnal year, Hatshepsut was crowned pharaoh and adopted the full royal protocol adopted by Egyptian sovereigns. Hatshepsut and Thutmose III had become corulers of Egypt, with Hatshepsut the dominant of the two. During this time, she is depicted as a queen, in female form with feminine garments. Eventually her portraits and records went into a mixed form, showing her with a male body, clothing, and even a false beard.

It was during this time period that Moses would have been meeting with pharaoh. The royal court in this time would have been extra interesting.

2,000 BC - 1,900 BC

We know when the Israelite's left Egypt, now we can determine when they arrived. Exodus 12:40 has been discussed in depth by theologians and scholars for many years, but we are going to use the simple math method here and add 430 years, mentioned in Exodus 12, to 1483 to reach 1913 BC, the year the Israelites began to dwell in Egypt. For now, I like David Gadeloff's breakdown of those 430 years in his Jewish Bible Quarterly article, "How Long Was the Sojourn In Egypt: 210 or 430 Years?"

1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40
1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC David becomes King of Judah 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 2:7, 2 Samuel 2:9-12, 2 Samuel 3
1007 BC Solomon becomes king 1 Kings 1

2,100 BC - 2,000 BC

Genesis 47 tells more details of Jacob and his family entering Egypt, meeting with Pharoah, and in Genesis 47:8 the Pharoah asks Jacob how old he is. In Genesis 47:9 Jacob answers and says he is 130 years old. Now we can go back 130 years to 2043 BC, the year Jacob and Esau were born.

2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40
1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC David becomes King of Judah 2 Samuel 5:4, 2 Samuel 2:7, 2 Samuel 2:9-12, 2 Samuel 3

2,200 BC - 2,100 BC

Now that we know when Jacob and Esau were born, in 2043 BC, we can determine when their father, Isaac was born based on Genesis 25:26 which says Isaac was 60 years old when the twins, Jacob and Esau, were born.

2103 BC Isaac was born Genesis 25:26
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40
1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1
1047 BC King Saul dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1

2,100 BC - 2,000 BC

Knowing both when Jacob and Esau were born we also know when Isaac and Rebekah were married. Genesis 25:20 says Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah. This fits perfectly between Isaac's birth and Jacob and Esau's births.

2103 BC Isaac was born Genesis 25:26
2063 BC Isaac and Rebekah marry Genesis 25:20
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40
1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4
1047 BC Jonathan dies 1 Samuel 31, 2 Samuel 1

2,300 BC - 2,200 BC

Isaac's birth is a famous story given that Abraham and Sarah were considered so old when they had him. Genesis 21:5 says Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. So we go back 100 years from Isaac's birth in 2103 BC and arrive at 2203 BC, the year Abraham, or at that time Abram, was born.

2203 BC Abram was born Genesis 21:5
2103 BC Isaac was born Genesis 25:26
2063 BC Isaac and Rebekah marry Genesis 25:20
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40
1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6
1077 BC David is born 2 Samuel 5:4

Knowing approximately, if not the exact year, that Abraham was born is an extremely exciting discovery, for many reasons. Abraham may be one of the most pivotal characters in the Bible, if not human history. On this journey of discoverying the past, when I had determined the year 2203 BC I was excited for the rush of events to be unlocked following that discovery. All of this excitement was fueled by one chapter, specifically nine verses, which are the timelines of Shem's family. Skip ahead if you are as excited as I was when I was first doing the calculations here, but we are about to learn when two major historical events occurred. One, a range of time during which pangea, the supercontinent which once existed on earth, broke apart. Two, the exact year of the flood which covered the entire earth.

2,200 BC - 2,100 BC

When Abraham was born, his name was Abram. When Abram was 75 years old God called Abram and asked him to leave his country, his relatives, his father's family, and to go to the land God would show him. We see this in Genesis 12, and in Genesis 12:4 we read that Abram was 75 years old when this happened. So we can go from Abram's birth in 2203 BC 75 years later to 2128 BC, when God called Abram.

2203 BC Abram was born Genesis 21:5
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2103 BC Isaac was born Genesis 25:26
2063 BC Isaac and Rebekah marry Genesis 25:20
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40
1483 BC Israelites leave Egypt (exodus) 1 Kings 6

2,200 BC - 2,100 BC

From Abram's birth and from Isaac's birth we can also determine when God visited Abram and changed his name from Abram to Abraham, among other blessings. In Genesis 17:1-5 we read that God visited Abram when he was 90 years old (2113 BC), and changes his name to Abraham. The proof of the Covenant between God and Abraham continues in Genesis 17.

2203 BC Abram was born Genesis 21:5
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5
2103 BC Isaac was born Genesis 25:26
2063 BC Isaac and Rebekah marry Genesis 25:20
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
1913 BC Israelites begin sojourn in Egypt. Exodus 12:40

At this point in our travels through time we will begin to meet people who lived for centuries. Rather than introduce them through their deaths I will just list their deaths with their births. So, instead of listing by event, I will be listing by lifetimes of individuals. There will be a lot of overlap. Also, we may break the seven (7) entries at a time self-imposed rule in order to show the amount of events which transpired in each persons life. I will also be including deaths of people who may have been born before the time we are discussing. I will mention more details as we go along.

2,300 BC - 2,000 BC


We have already shown when Abraham was born, and Genesis 25: 7 tells us he lived 175 years, which places his death in 2028 BC.

Some of the events which transpired during the life of Abraham.

2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2125 BC Reu, Serug's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Genesis 11:21
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5
2103 BC Isaac is born Genesis 25:26, Genesis 25:20
2102 BC Serug, Nahor's father, dies. He lived 230 years. Genesis 11:23
2068 BC Terah, Abraham's father, dies. He lived for 205 years. Genesis 11:32
2063 BC Isaac marries Rebekah Genesis 25:20
2055 BC Arphaxad, Shela's father, dies. He lived 438 years. Genesis 11:13
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
2028 BC Abraham, Isaac's father, dies. He lived 175 years. Genesis 25:7

2,300 BC - 2,000 BC


Knowing when Abraham was born, we get a whirlwind of events in order, first of which is the birth of Terah, Abraham's father, mentioned in Genesis 11:26. This verse says Terah was 70 years old when all three of his sons, including Abram, were born, most likely from separate mothers. (Remember God changed Abram's name to Abraham in Genesis 17.) We just go back 70 years from 2203 BC, the year Abraham was born, and determine Terah was born in 2273 BC.

Genesis 11 tells the story of Terah's family. Genesis 11:32 says Terah lived to be 205 years old. Given Terah was born in 2273 BC, he lived 205 years, we know Terah died in 2068 BC.

As a point of reference, it was Terah who moved Abram and their entire family out of Ur of Babylonia. Genesis 11:31 says they had planned to move to Canaan but they ended up settling in the city of Haran. Something for another conversation, was the city of Haran named after Terah's deceased son, Haran, or perhaps after Terah's in-law Haran? (Terah had Abram, Nahor (probably named after Terah's father), and Haran (named after the Haran whose daughter marries Nahor and for whom the city is named?)).

Something amazing, which we will see more and more of, is which of these historical figures were alive at the same time. Here, we will see that Noah, of the flood, was alive well past Abram's birth. He was also alive during the continental drift from pangea, quite possibly initiated from the flood. Peleg was also alive after Abram's birth.

I include one event following Terah's death just to give more perspective on what was happening in the Bible when he died.

Terah lived in an amazing period of history.

2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2125 BC Reu, Serug's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Genesis 11:21
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5
2103 BC Isaac is born Genesis 25:26, Genesis 25:20
2102 BC Serug, Nahor's father, dies. He lived 230 years. Genesis 11:23
2068 BC Terah, Abraham's father, dies. He lived for 205 years. Genesis 11:32
2063 BC Isaac marries Rebekah Genesis 25:20

2,400 BC - 2,100 BC


Based on Terah's birth in 2273 BC we can determine Nahor, Terah's father, is born in 2302 BC. This is mentioned in Genesis 11:24, when it says Nahor was 29 years old when his son Terah was born.

Genesis 11:25 says Nahor lived 119 years after Terah was born. Knowing Terah was born in 2273 BC, we can determine he died in 2154 BC.

Two additional events are listed here following Nahor's death to give additional perspective.

2302 BC Nahor is born Genesis 11:24
2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4

2,400 BC - 2,100 BC


Based on Nahor's birth in 2302 BC we can determine Serug, Nahor's father, is born in 2332 BC. This is mentioned in Genesis 11:22, when it says Sarug was 30 years old when his son Nahor was born.

Genesis 11:23 says Serug lived 200 years after Nahor was born. Knowing Nahor was born in 2302 BC, we can determine he died in 2102 BC.

It is amazing to see how long Serug lived, and the amazing historical events which happened during his lifetime.

2332 BC Serug is born Genesis 11:22
2302 BC Nahor is born Genesis 11:24
2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2125 BC Reu, Serug's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Genesis 11:21
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5
2103 BC Isaac is born Genesis 25:26, Genesis 25:20
2102 BC Serug, Nahor's father, dies. He lived 230 years. Genesis 11:23

2,400 BC - 2,100 BC


Based on Serug's birth in 2332 BC we can determine Reu, Serug's father, is born in 2364 BC. This is mentioned in Genesis 11:20, when it says Reu was 32 years old when his son Serug was born.

Genesis 11:21 says Reu lived 207 years after Serug was born. Knowing Reu was born in 2364 BC, we can determine he died in 2125 BC.

I have included one event following Reu's death for perspective of events.

2364 BC Reu is born Genesis 11:20
2332 BC Serug is born Genesis 11:22
2302 BC Nahor is born Genesis 11:24
2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2125 BC Reu, Serug's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Genesis 11:21
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5

2,400 BC - 2,100 BC


Based on Reu's birth in 2364 BC we can determine Peleg, Reu's father, is born in 2394 BC. This is mentioned in Genesis 11:18, when it says Peleg was 30 years old when his son Reu was born.

Genesis 11:19 says Peleg lived 209 years after Reu was born. Knowing Peleg was born in 2394 BC, we can determine he died in 2155 BC.

It has already been mentioned that Peleg was alive during Abram's birth. Abram was approximately 48 years old when Peleg passed away. I am not sure if Abram's father, Terah, had already moved their family out of Ur and to Haran. I am also not sure where Peleg lived. Peleg may not have lived in Ur. It is still interesting to note that Peleg was alive at the same time as Abram.

This timeline may be controversial in many ways. This entry and this notation about Peleg will most definitely draw attention. Genesis 10:25 says Peleg, was given this name which means "divided" because during his lifetime the earth was divided. It is my belief this is when the supercontinent known as pangea was divided by continental drift forming the continental geography we know today. Some have tried to argue the word "divided" refers to language and or cultural divide, however that does not seem like the logical solution. Genesis 11:1-9 tells us about Babel, and how the result was God caused people to spread out from there over the entire planet. It could be this is the "divide" Peleg was named after, but there is no mention elsewhere in the Bible of a divide, and with people spreading out over the entire world it would speed up their separation if they were also forcibly separated through massive tectonic shift, through major continental drift. Not to say that the breaking of pangea was precisely along the "borders" of the scattered people, but if majorities of separated peoples, due to continental drift, speak one language, it is highly likely the minority will either learn that language or establish themselves in the new land. This is all hypothesis. As of the writing of this text there is no evidence which provides a verifiable solution for pangea and the scattering of peoples following Babel one way or the other. For me personally, the division during Peleg's life was most likely massive continental drift. If you believe otherwise, that is your right to do so. Our opinions of this do not change the timeline itself. Although, it could have immense impact on the geological understanding of our planet.

2394 BC Peleg is born Genesis 11:18, Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19
2364 BC Reu is born Genesis 11:20
2332 BC Serug is born Genesis 11:22
2302 BC Nahor is born Genesis 11:24
2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19

2,500 BC - 1,900 BC


Based on Peleg's birth in 2394 BC we can determine Eber, Peleg's father, is born in 2428 BC. This is mentioned in Genesis 11:16, when it says Eber was 34 years old when his son Peleg was born.

Genesis 11:17 says Eber lived 430 years after Peleg was born. Knowing Eber was born in 2428 BC, we can determine he died in 1964 BC.

It is completely amazing to me how long Eber lived and what amazing events transpired during his lifetime. He unfortunately outlived a lot of his family. He outlived his son, his grandson, his great-grandson, his great-great-grandson, his great-great-great-grandson, and Abraham his great-great-great-great-grandson. He also is alive when his father, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, and Noah his great-great-grandfather pass away. To live 464 years is mind-boggling.

2428 BC Eber is born Genesis 11:16
2394 BC Peleg is born Genesis 11:18, Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19
2364 BC Reu is born Genesis 11:20
2332 BC Serug is born Genesis 11:22
2302 BC Nahor is born Genesis 11:24
2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2125 BC Reu, Serug's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Genesis 11:21
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5
2103 BC Isaac is born Genesis 25:26, Genesis 25:20
2102 BC Serug, Nahor's father, dies. He lived 230 years. Genesis 11:23
2068 BC Terah, Abraham's father, dies. He lived for 205 years. Genesis 11:32
2063 BC Isaac marries Rebekah Genesis 25:20
2055 BC Arphaxad, Shela's father, dies. He lived 438 years. Genesis 11:13
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
2028 BC Abraham, Isaac's father, dies. He lived 175 years. Genesis 25:7
2025 BC Shelah, Eber's father, dies. He lived 433 years. Genesis 11:15
1993 BC Shem, Arphaxad's father, dies. He lived 600 years. Genesis 11:11
1964 BC Eber, Peleg's father, dies. He lived 464 years. Genesis 11:17

2,500 BC - 2,000 BC


Based on Eber's birth in 2428 BC we can determine Shelah, Eber's father, is born in 2458 BC. This is mentioned in Genesis 11:14, when it says Shelah was 30 years old when his son Eber was born.

Genesis 11:15 says Shelah lived 403 years after Eber was born. Knowing Shelah was born in 2458 BC, we can determine he died in 2025 BC.

Again, to live such a long life, especially during a time when lifespans are shortening, means you will outlive a lot of your family. Shelah lived 433 years.

2458 BC Shelah is born Genesis 11:14
2428 BC Eber is born Genesis 11:16
2394 BC Peleg is born Genesis 11:18, Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19
2364 BC Reu is born Genesis 11:20
2332 BC Serug is born Genesis 11:22
2302 BC Nahor is born Genesis 11:24
2273 BC Terah is born Genesis 11:26
2203 BC Abram is born Genesis 21:5
2155 BC Peleg, Rue's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Pangea is gone. Genesis 11:19, Genesis 10:25, 1 Chronicles 1:19
2154 BC Nahor, Terah's father, dies. He lived 148 years. Genesis 11:25
2145 BC Naoh, Shem's father, dies. He lived 950 years. Genesis 9:28-29
2128 BC God calls Abram Genesis 12:4
2125 BC Reu, Serug's father, dies. He lived 239 years. Genesis 11:21
2113 BC God changes Abrams name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-5
2103 BC Isaac is born Genesis 25:26, Genesis 25:20
2102 BC Serug, Nahor's father, dies. He lived 230 years. Genesis 11:23
2068 BC Terah, Abraham's father, dies. He lived for 205 years. Genesis 11:32
2063 BC Isaac marries Rebekah Genesis 25:20
2055 BC Arphaxad, Shela's father, dies. He lived 438 years. Genesis 11:13
2043 BC Jacob and Esau are born Genesis 47:8-9
2028 BC Abraham, Isaac's father, dies. He lived 175 years. Genesis 25:7
2025 BC Shelah, Eber's father, dies. He lived 433 years. Genesis 11:15

2,500 BC - 2,000 BC



2,495 BC - 2,494 BC

The Flood


2,600 BC - 1,900 BC



3,100 BC - 2,100 BC



3,300 BC - 2,500 BC



3,500 BC - 2,400 BC



3,600 BC - 3,100 BC



3,900 BC - 2,900 BC



4,000 BC - 3,000 BC



4,100 BC - 3,100 BC



4,200 BC - 3,200 BC


Complete Logical Timeline

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